If you live by what I say, you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8:31b-32)
I was enjoying an early morning devotional time at a friend’s house, and sneaked a look at one of her devotional readings. It challenged me in a new way. As a grandmother, I often wonder what will be remembered when we are long gone, and our grandchildren will be growing up in the mainly hostile world. Persecution of Christians will be escalating until the Lord comes again. New technologies, differing work opportunities, global travel, all will be much easier, but life in general will not be a walk in the park. As violence and general crime multiplies, and ethics and morals become terms that only the “fundamentalists” identify with, will our children and grandchildren have the necessary spiritual stamina to withstand the burgeoning temptations that will be before them, and cling to the faith we try to instil?
In those far away days when we “oldies” attended school, we had a morning assembly where a reading from the Bible, a hymn and a prayer were the norm, and even though Christianity was perhaps nominal, and understood as a birthright in a “Christian country”, seeds were sown that were later watered with the Living Water of the Lord. (John 4:14) Chances were that those teachings, even if largely ignored in childhood, resurfaced and gave direction to the many paths opened up in adulthood. Like rays of sunshine, as opposed to dark shadows, thoughts would filter through, and scriptures come to mind, showing the presence of the Holy Spirit in lives that had been touched in the formative years.
Apparently, in the late 19th and early 20th century, it was a custom for many women in a part of the United States, to make a “Freedom Quilt” for their son’s 21st birthday. This would be lovingly stitched, and given in acknowledgment that the beloved boy was now a man, and independent – free of his mother’s restraints. Scripture verses would be embroidered into the patches, in the hopes that wherever he went he would be reminded of the foundational teachings received at his mother’s knee.What a wonderful idea!
Unfortunately freedom is often seen as a licence to do whatever pleases or attracts, and unforeseen consequences are frequently the result.
With the freedom that Jesus gives, comes self-confidence, spiritual strength, wisdom, peace and joy, and my prayer is that this freedom will be embraced and grasped whole-heartedly.
Words from wise people are like spurs. Their collected sayings are like nails that have been driven in firmly. They come from one shepherd. Be warned, my children, against anything more than these. Ecclesiastes 12:11,12.
Perhaps such quilting is a hobby to consider for younger fingers, which would leave a long lasting legacy of hopes, prayers, struggles and love, to bring warmth and comfort to hearts reaching out for Truth.
Who can find a wife with a strong character? She is worth far more than jewels… She makes quilts for herself… Her children and her husband stand up and bless her … Proverbs 31:10, 22, 28 God’s Word