Saturday, November 27, 2010

Responding to a Rejector

My dear man takes great delight in drawing my attention to newspaper items which may elicit some response that will either spoil my appetite or make his day. This morning's one was a letter by a fellow commenting on an opinion that recent disasters could be attributed to prophesies of the Bible. He suggested that reading works of fiction such as the Bible (sic) should be changed to works of non-fiction covering continental drift, plate tectonics, vulcanism and climatology to explain natural disasters that have wreaked havoc!!
I do not consider myself as intelligent in so far as general knowledge goes, and sometimes when I give free range to my thoughts, I can even confuse myself, but here I see another example of a brilliant mind, open to learned philosophies of all kinds, but blind and deaf to simple truth.
The Bible says man's wisdom is "unwise" ( to paraphrase) and the simplicity of a child's mind more profound.
For many deep thinkers who try to explain the unexplainable, the things of creation offer a wide range of exploration to plumb the roots of existence. Thinking minds long to understand, and therefore encapsulate their ideas into understandable forms. Reading the Bible for themselves, (rather than listening to hearsay) does not normally fall into their sphere of essential things to do.
I admire a thinking mind like that of Stan Telchin, who wrote "Betrayed" and who was horrified when his daughter embraced the Christian faith. He took time out from his busy legal practice to systematically read the Bible for himself, in order to dispute her new belief, for she was more important to him than anything else. Now that is worth looking into!
Mankind wants time to be meaningful, distance to be measurable, matter to be understood, but some things are beyond the mind's ability to encompass. Why is that? Surely all must have a beginning, a being, and an ending. It shows that there is a power greater than the mind!
Why is the earth the size it is, in the position it is, and able to keep spinning? Who fixed the limits for the sea so that it does not constantly over-run the land?
Who has given orders to the morning and shown the dawn its place?
Do you really know, without a doubt, what happens at death? "Have the gates of death been shown to you?"
"What is the way to the abode of light? And where does darkness reside?
Have you seen the storehouses of the snow or hail, or where lightening is dispersed?"
Yes, it can all be scientifically explained, but where did it all originate, and why?
I don't need to understand everything, but this one thing I know - I am so glad that God made His light shine in my heart to give me the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6)
Be blessed Him and may His light shine on you.

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