I was battling to know what to do first, and when to fit in whatever else on my to then non-existent list of things to do. One of the most pressing though was a time with my Lord, as He had been pushed one side while I was juggling the normal daily distractions. At last I had my cup of coffee in hand, and my trusty rocking chair in the dis-organised chaos of my "Quiet room."
Now why did He give me a verse to sort out that I obviously had not dug into properly before? My Devotional read, I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that day.
It is a verse I have often used, prayed back to God, and rested comfortably in. Suddenly, it was a new light in my heart. It is not only for that day, regarding petitions and intercessions, it is also for this day, in all my little priorities and peripherals, and He is able ... He will see me through this day. Suddenly the day stretched before me with great potential, so I went to another Bible version, and was amazed! It read, I know whom I trust. I am convinced that He is able to protect what He has entrusted to me until that day.
Yes, I lay my hopes for the day before Him, and trust Him to guide. Now I see that He gives me a portion for my day, and will see it through. It is at times like this I wish I could understand the original, for the translators obviously have some lee-way.
I had to get out my Parallel Bible, and of the 4 translations, 3 spoke of what I had entrusted to Him, with one speaking of what has been entrusted to me. Out of 6 translations then, I have 4 with me entrusting, and 2 with Him entrusting. I need a spade, to dig deeper, and I need time to do it. Meantime I accept His Word to me both ways. He is God, I am not, and I trust to Him my daily walk, while accepting from Him whatever is in His good and perfect plan.
Sometimes people do get confused, but the Bible remains TRUTH, and the Holy Spirit opens it up for us. He knows our individual needs, and He meets with us on a personal and unique basis.
Paul was in prison when he wrote this letter to Timothy, and from history we learn that Nero was persecuting Christians without mercy. Hardened as we are to scenes of violence on the TV screens, the scenes in and around Rome at that time were too horrific for us to imagine, and it was by God's grace that cameras had not been invented!
It was in this background that this last letter to Timothy was written, not from the comfort of a jail cell of modern times, but most likely in a rat infested dungeon. He proclaimed that he knew in whom he believed, and whatever her had prayed to the Lord about, for his beloved converts to Christianity, and his co-workers, was safe in the will of his Saviour. He also knew that the Lord had given him a trial to undergo which he would not escape with his earthly life intact, but in the Lord's strength he would bear it, and proceed into everlasting life.
He completes his letter with May God's blessings be with you all. (Living Bible) Grace be with you all. (Revised Standard.) The Lord be with you. His good will be with all of you. (God's Word.)
I am a little echo!
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