The first question of this morning’s sermon at church was, “What is the most important thing God tells us?”
Answer, “Love God; love people!”
It seemed a confirmation that I must continue with what is on my heart to day, and I hope I can put what I feel into words. I am finding that writing this blog is giving me a curiosity about people who I may never meet. Whether by accident or God’s leading, by curiosity or referral, I see “hits” from countries I can only visit in my prayers. With my theme, “Glorify the Lord with me; Let us exalt His Name together” I feel led to ask and answer a few questions, and to invite you deeper into my own life, warts and all.
No-one who knows me is left in doubt about my beliefs, but even amongst my own family are those who think I am an eccentric who has “got religion.” I remember when my mom was seriously ill, and we knew her time was limited, she was a little irritated by my desire to know more of her beliefs. In frustration one day, I asked, “Mom, if what you believe is not true, would you want to know?”
“No!” she replied, and I had to respect that. No more comments, hoping she would react, ask questions or at least listen. No more giving something to read in the hopes she would! No more asking if she would like to watch a video or DVD to elicit reaction.
She would ask my brother for legal advice. She would call in a plumber if the taps leaked, or an electrician to fix a gadget, but for spiritual help, even the local minister was ignored. Was there nothing I could do?
There was something! I went to the Lord, in tears and trust, saying “Lord, only You can fix this. My hands are tied. It is not Your will that any should be lost.”
A few days before I left my mother, and returned to Africa, she asked some of the right questions! I gave answers, but I was not to know what her heart decided, for she died in her sleep soon afterwards.
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, --- 1 Peter 3:15
Perhaps what I have to say will stretch over several “chapters” and I wait to see what I am led to read and expand on, but here are some of the issues I would like to explore with you. Those who know Jesus Christ in an intimate relationship will bear with me and hopefully add to my insights, while those who are seeking will find fresh food for thought.
In Dave Hunt’s book “In Defense of the Faith” he quotes two writers who made pertinent comments worth repeating here.
“It is no sin to doubt some things, but it may be fatal to believe everything”- A W Tozer
“There is a place for scepticism as well as a place for faith; and in considering an investment or embracing a religion, scepticism should come first” - Irwin H Linton in A Lawyer Examines the Bible
So ---
Ø Why Believe the Bible?
Ø Who is God?
Ø Why Promote my Belief?
Ø Why do I care?
Ø What does it mean to you?
Before I can go into any further depth, I must introduce myself as a creation, not a happenstance.
On the day I gave my life back to the Lord, - Father, Son, Holy Spirit – I said, “I believe! Help my unbelief!”
I was not the first to say this, and I am pretty sure that every believer, consciously or sub-consciously, has issues with belief that are difficult to get around. In the course of my relationship with you, I will no doubt be sharing some of the ways that that prayer has been answered. Some questions in a believer’s life will only be answered when we meet Jesus face to face.
I am not a Theologian, but an ordinary person who has given my life to the Lord Jesus Christ, and I am trying to live it in obedience and trust to His honour and glory. I have a burden on my heart for those who have no faith; nowhere to go for help in troublesome times; nothing to cling to when all seems lost.
Let us take a look at a beginning point. The first sentence in the Bible, Genesis 1:1, reads:
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
John 1:1 reads:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Believers, please bear with me. Sceptics and Inquirers, hang in here!
Who is God, and why use the Bible as evidence of Him?
What other evidence is there, apart from the Bible?
Watch this space!
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