John 9:1 As He went along, He saw a man, blind from birth…
Blind from birth. Can you imagine it? In my darkest fears, I would dread losing my sight. Perhaps this is because I have seen beauty, have learned to read and write, know colours, have watched a sun rise, and a sun set in different locations, and have sensed the magnitude of God’s creation all around me. If I had not known these things, how would life be? Drab? Colourless? Flat? Yes, I could learn to read Braille, and perhaps come to understand in a limited way something of colour, and height and depth and distance and perspective, and beauty that I would read about. Nevertheless, my inner vision would be incomplete, to my way of thinking now. Under the circumstances though, it would be complete as far as my mind could understand.
How can we relate this to spiritual blindness?
We become Christians – how? By acknowledging our sinful state and our need of a Saviour. By believing that Jesus paid a price for us! We accept that in faith. We receive Him and ask that He take over in our lives – in fact that He would be Lord of our lives. Consequently He begins a work in us, and we become less while He becomes more, as He reveals more of Himself through the working of His Holy Spirit. The more He works in us, the molre we understand. Like t5he alphabet, we progress from:
A – Acknowledging our need.
B – Believing that He meets that need
C – Confessing our
D – Dependence on Him and
E – Expecting His
F – Forgiveness of our sin, by
G – Grace, gibving us His
H – Holy Spirit to
I – Indwell us, bring us
J – Joyfully into the
K – Kingdom of God.
L – Love, seeded from the Father
M – Moves our hearts, and motivates us,
N – Nurtures love in us,
O – Opening doors of opportunity and
P – Pointing us in preparation.
Q – Quietly giving us a quest to
R – Repeat what we have learned
S – Seeing others receive Salvation and
T – Teaching them hitherto
U – Unknown truths about the
V – Victory available in Christ;
W – Wonderful release from bondage
X – through the Cross of Christ.
Y – Y? Because He loves us and wants us to join Him in His Kingdom work and to gain the crown, and live with Him in Heaven! He who has begun a good work in us will bring it to completion – to
Z – Z – end, Completion in Christ Jesus our Lord, and then – Every eye shall see Him, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Sadly, for some it will be too late! They thought they coluld see, but is was only in their own mindset, incomplete, and unwilling to healed! For the rest? Fulfilment. Promises kept.
No more blindness. SIGHT!!
John 9:5. Jesus is the Light of the World.
V39. The blind will see, and those who (think they) see, will become blind.
V41. Being blind, before He shines His light into darkened minds, is an excuse, but once He has been revealed, then guilt is evident as lack of belief.
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