Truth mismanaged and manipulated leads many astray.
About 20 years ago Hank Hanegraaff wrote a book, Christianity in Crisis, which graphically exposes false teachings of well known “Faith teachers” and proponents of the “Name it and Claim it” televangelist brigade. Perceptions of Christianity, differing from the Truth are placed under a spotlight, showing that some of the greatest dangers to Christianity are not the “outside” of other religions, cults or occultist systems like New Age teachings, but those from the “inside” causing a disease of substitution of faith.
The words of Paul have been twisted to encompass man’s thoughts and perceptions, but Paul could say with conviction, … we have refused to use secret and shameful ways. We don’t use tricks, and we don’t distort God’s word. 2 Corinthians 4:2a
If the Good News we tell others is covered with a veil, it is hidden from those who are dying. The god of this world has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. As a result they don’t see the light of the Good News about Christ’s glory. It is Christ who is God’s image. 2 Corinthians 4:3,4. God’s Word.
Paul contended with similar problems as there are today, when he had to counter teachers of another gospel, those who tried to fit in more palatable messages than the full truth. It is so much easier to adapt truth to be what you want it to be, rather than to really understand and obey. To really get a hold of Truth takes Curiosity, Determination and Commitment. Those who allow their minds to be corrupted by false teachings are falling from the true faith, and woe to those who have corrupted their minds!
What began as a relative of the modern trend of Instant Gratification, similar to the fast food franchises, has escalated to greater exposure of what was once the tip of the ice berg, but is now growing and exposing more UNtruths.
How can we be sure we are not being misled by well known, and sometimes well respected teachers?
· Curiosity. We must now be even more critical of what is presented in modern formats of teaching. Look for the hidden nuances inserted to confuse, or to distract from authentic Christianity. Acts 17: 11 The people of Berea were more open-minded than the people of Thessalonica. They were very willing to receive God’s message, and every day they carefully examined the Scriptures to see if what Paul said was true.
· Determination. Follow the habits of the early church. They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42 . Fellowship brings discussion, and discussion leads to questions, which must be followed by answers, found in the Scriptures. In fellowship there is less likelihood of corruption of Truth for each holds the other accountable.
· Commitment. Persistent reading of the Bible is an essential to inner knowledge and peace. God needs to have the opportunity to address our hearts, and what better time than when we are engrossed in His Word. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose. Philippians 2:12 ,13 Without the Word, we cannot develop the backbone to resist persecution, which comes to all believers. We see today the strongest church in the persecuted countries, where believers have examined the Scriptures and decided that they would rather lose their lives than deny their faith.
Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be happy. Proverbs 16:20
Do not make the mistake made by Oral Roberts who took the word prosper and used it to promote monetary prosperity.
In the God belittling teachings of Hinn, Hagin, Copeland and the like, who want to mould God into a servant of puny minds, we see the distortion of Scripture much like the way politicians would have us believe their promises. We now seem to have a rising star in the ranks of “There, there, ever-so-there, relax and enjoy” teaching. A man who addresses a congregation of around 10,000 is espousing “truth in all religions.” Rob Bell says he “affirms truth anywhere in any religious system in any world view. If it’s true, it belongs to God.” (Quoted in Joy! Magazine, June 2011)
Yes, I have found many grains of truth in varied secular writings, but invariably the weeds of untruth choke it out of visible existence. Rob Bell and his ilk would seemingly like to re write the Bible leaving out all reference to sin, hell, eternal damnation, and what happens to anyone who deceives even the least of God’s children. It would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matthew 18:6
Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come. V7
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