When Sleep Eludes – and Contentment Calls
I have to believe it because there is no denying it, but we are already into the sixth month of the year – and I am way behind on my goals. On my desk is a thick, A5 size journal, almost full from 1st Feb this year of notes on personal study and encouraging insights, but only 5 Blogs were managed last month.
How, for example, did the Wesley brothers, back in the 18th century, manage to write uncountable sermons and tracts, over 900 hymns, start charitable societies, ride on horse back to keep in touch with their parishioners, study and expound on the Scriptures, conduct Bible Studies, found a church that is still thriving today, all without the advantage of labour saving devices, modern transport and technology, and still be widely known and respected more than 200 years later?
Did the hours move more slowly then? With all our skills, expertise and equipment, why are we, or more specifically, why am I, achieving so much less than hoped for?
One morning last week I awoke a couple of hours later than normal after another restless night, with a mind churning with wave upon wave of thoughts breaking like a stormy sea on a shore line edged with craggy rocks to break the sequence. Is this what advancing years do to us? Wakeful hours spent wondering about what lies ahead for our children and grandchildren brings realisation of lost opportunities, and what might have been. It is amazing how our imaginations can conjure fantastic scenarios of bygone times when all of life lay before us, with endless possibilities stretching over the vista of years to come. Then, all too soon, we are looking back at realities and what has been. Have we made the best possible use of our time? Have we made right choices? If not, what can we do about it?
1. Realise we are part of a “Never Ending Story”, one that is different from the film of that name, and far more significant. As Pastor Steven Darch has clarified, Christianity is always one generation away from extinction!
2. Acknowledge the Lord’s provision for us to “make disciples” in our families. He called us by name, and therefore He expects our response of obedience.
3. If we have missed opportunities, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE! Even if our children are now adult, it is not too late to share our testimony; to tell of how the Lord has called us, worked in our life, and blessed us with His presence and teaching.
4. Get past relationship problems. If we have made mistakes, or need to forgive real or imagined wrongs, DO IT! Then get on with life – it is not to be wasted. We are all responsible for our own hearts and choices.
5. Learn contentment, for it is a valuable lesson for others to learn from you.
· Keep your relationship with the Lord firm. Philippians 4:1b
· Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks. Then God’s peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6,7
· Be like Paul when he says, I have learned to be content in whatever situation I am in. I know how to live in poverty or prosperity. No matter what the situation, I’ve learned the secret of how to live when I am full or when I am hungry, when I have too much or when I have too little. I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:11,12 (God’s Word)
It is good to know in those dark watches of the night when we look at what we have and who we know; when we come before the Lord in praise and supplication, that His ears are open to our cries for help (Psalm 34:15b) and He is able to do infinitely and abundantly more than we can ask or imagine according to His power that is at work with in us. To Him be glory … Ephesians 3:20
Sleep well, be at peace, and be content - He is watching over you, and He neither slumbers nor sleeps … Psalm 121:3,4
It is better to look at what is in front of you than to go looking for what you want. Even this is pointless; it’s like trying to catch the wind. Ecclesiastes 6:9
We may not have done all we want to do, but our chief aim must be to honour God, and bring glory to His Name.
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