Monday, April 2, 2012

40 days or 40 years.

It has been a bit of a desert experience, these past 40 or so days, when plans have been disrupted and time disorganised. I can see how Moses must have grown older and wiser in his wandering with the tribes of Israel.
They had been disobedient, and even caused his lapse of good judgment leading to more disobedience. They had doubted God’s providence and he had mistrusted God’s word. It is so easy to do, when circumstances sow confusion into our hearts. We need to get out from under the circumstances and stand beneath the shadow of His wings.
Max Lucado can always be relied on to give a word of warning tempered by words of encouragement and he has done it again. If you want a pick-me-up, then read his latest book, “God’s Story, Your Story” and be recharged by his reminders of refreshing showers of blessings in the wilderness areas of your life. I’m sending off a couple of copies to folk I really want to get interested in the Bible. This can be a starter step.
He quotes 2 Samuel 22:25 from The Message. God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.
I am looking forward to His guidance into my next 40 steps! And enjoying the showers!

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