Monday, December 27, 2010

Help! I want to write on a clean slate!

Christmas is over. There is a New Year approaching. What does it hold? As an opportunity for a new start, many folk will be looking to “turn over a new leaf” making New Year Resolutions that may survive for a time, but unless there is a relationship involved, could soon be justified out of continuance.
A real change takes commitment. To promise not to tell lies is only going to work until the next opportunity arises. There must be a complete turnabout; one must become a Truth Teller. No matter the problem, the same solution will apply. Become new – start afresh.
I have a problem. I am a new creation. I have accepted Christ as my Lord, which means I bring all things under submission to Him. I cannot live “under the circumstances” and use them as an excuse. I live under the Lord’s authority. I have received the Holy Spirit as my Comforter and guide, and strive to be obedient to His leading. Why, then, do I have such difficulty in getting past those old bugbears of procrastination, and poor self-discipline?
 I quench the Holy Spirit!
As an avid reader, I garner information and thought fuel from many sources. Sermon notes, journal entries, Bible study preparations, fill boxes and drawers, waiting for that perfect opportunity to be sorted, fed in to the computer, and burnt to disc. Will I manage to accomplish the work this year?  Instead of being an untidy scatterbrain, I must become a disciplined order-keeper. I need to write on a clean slate. Are there any volunteers out there to hold me accountable? Better still, would anyone like a job as unpaid secretary?
Perhaps before we look at our New Year resolutions we need to examine our need for repentance. In these days there is a burgeoning lack of understanding of the concept. A gradual decline of Spiritual priorities has taken place. As technology has progressed, we have more labour saving gadgets and machinery and more opportunities for geographical, topographical, and scientific discoveries, making the simple pleasure of stillness an elusive practice for today’s youth.
Be Still and Know that I am God is an unknown concept to many people. More noise, more activity, more entertainment, more self-satisfaction are the goals strived for.
In stillness and self examination we can recognise those areas in our lives that cry out for change, and those changes that require help to accomplish.
Psalm 21:2 My help comes from the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth.
The heavens declare the Glory of the Lord, but unless one has read of their creation how can  the mysteries revealed there be understood?
Help is needed:
·         to hear and understand Truth in your heart.  
·         to recognise the wonders of creation.
·         to cope with each day’s happenings.
·         to guide through each situation

Be still, and receive His help!

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